Some notes on the demonstration
of October 1 in Athens

 Pogrom against anarchists in Athens after October 1st demo - more than 100 people taken to police stations and Central State Security for interrogation...

BACKground information and analysis about the greek state's "antiterrorist" offensive and the neutralization of N17 armed group after 29 June 2002 (AB #17):
kante kati gamo to stanio sas!





Defying the intimidation campaign fostered by the Media, more than 2500 people participated in the demonstration against state and media terrorism. More than half of the demonstration was a dynamic anarchist/anti-authoritarian bloc with banners "Against terrorism of the state and the bosses - Step back squealers - Go ahead comrades!" and "Fighters are not terrorists - Solidarity with those who don't submit". With various slogans the bloc gave a noisy answer to the threats and the propaganda of authority and its lackeys, and a passionate message of solidarity with all oppressed and exploited people, and all those who resist with dignity against the state and the capital, inside or outside prison cells...

The demonstration of October 1st was called by "Coalition against state terrorism" and the "Network for social and political rights". The organizers did a very limited propaganda about it, but in a way, within the frightening atmosphere of the previous days, the Media undertook the task of propaganda by condemning the demo in advance as "an action of solidarity with the N17 murderers" and asking to be forbidden, while they were talking about how inevitable would be a "bloodshed" in the streets of Athens!

But these efforts to conserve an intimidation atmosphere and prevent or weaken the demonstration seem to have had the opposite outcome, as many people ignored them (...)

The black bloc with many comrades from almost all the tendencies and collectives of anarchist/anti-authoritarian spectrum was more than half of the demonstration. In a relevant assembly were a significant part of the anarchists participated, it had been consciously decided from before an organized presence in that demo, a propagandistic character of this participation and the self-defense of the bloc in case of police provocations.

A milestone in the struggle against state terrorism

It is obvious that the so-called antiterrorism is the ideological spearhead of the emerging global Domination and moreover, especially after September 11, it's the officially declared dogma for the merciless attack against all those who stand or rise as obstacles in its way. This excessively expanded perception of terrorism, according to which "terrorist is everyone who is not with authority", means that the antiterrorist war crusades as well as the proportional antiterrorist police operations have both much wider social aims than those confessed by transnational and local authoritarians. It also means that they pursue wider results than just punishing or neutralizing their armed opponents.

In the same way, all these situations taking place in Greece after June 29 don’t only concern an operation to “neutralize” N17, but an entire campaign to “neutralize” society -which is being re-baptized within the new international ‘anti’terrorist environment. Even more it’s a campaign to neutralize society’s more radical parts, as long as the state upgrades its levels of violence and control against society and movements.

Authority’s intentions regarding the N17 prisoners correspond clearly with the social patterns it wants to achieve, through repression and manipulation: either repentant and informers or isolated presented as evil.

The imposition of new special conditions of imprisonment (solitary confinement) and the special status for those persecuted as N17 members, is definitely not a situation that is cut off from the entire social condition of our miserable daily life in schools, working places or in the streets. On the contrary, what is exercised on N17 prisoners is one specific particular part of the whole "package" of new terms of control, exploitation, oppression and repression imposed on society (and especially on the lower classes), which is more and more submerging in a whirl of a permanent State of Emergency.

It is the same proportion: The US concentration camp of Guantanamo bay, Cuba, which haunts our times as the new Auschwitz, is only part of the new world order's authoritarian and capitalist nightmare that really spreads as leprosy and focuses atrociously in every aspect of life and every corner of earth, resulting in bringing human kind in the desperate situation of a vast global Guantanamo. In the same way, the imposition of exhaustive new conditions in prison tests our tolerance towards the imposition of terrible conditions of living and resisting under the totalitarian State of an international and local dictatorship of political and economic bosses.

The demonstration became a milestone not only for its massiveness, but mainly because it showed clearly that there is a social-political opponent camp to state terrorism and its mouthpieces. Whatever might have been the conscious defacement of the demo's meanings by the media, it is a fact that their effort to identify anarchists and antiauthoritarians with N17 was a completely unhistorical attempt, and moreover it lacks any ideological and political substance.

To recognize the historical position of armed violence as a specific parameter in the wider social and class antagonism, to be in solidarity with militants who have a political and decent attitude towards the state, as well as to scorn the symbolisms attempted by authority -speculating on the supposed innocence of the victims of the elite and its lackeys-, doesn't mean an anyway impossible identification with the theses and actions of this organization.

And we don't accept as remonstrators those "venerable" and unscrupulous people whose authority and wealth are painted with the blood and haunted by the sufferings of thousands of innocent people that are lost in the struggle to survive or in the struggle for a world without exploitation and oppression.

We don't honor and we don't respect anyone but these victims, and from their blood and sufferings springs our passion to rise against the State and the bosses.

Refusing to apologize for anything in front of authority, and always keeping alive the fundamental element of anarchist thought, which is the critical spirit, we let those persecuted as N17 members -and we recognize them to- speak for themselves, to defend, according to each one's dignity and consciousness, their theses.

In no case would we accept that armed revolutionary violence (despite any critic to its various forms) as a response to the crimes of authority, ever was terrorism for society. In the sense that it was never exercised inconsiderately nor with "blind" strikes, and that's why there are so few and very specific those that howl that they were threatened. From this point of view, there's no other social problem with revolutionary violence -purposely presented as terrorism- than the problem of its persecutors: National and transnational repressive institutions that weave around society a cerecloth of suffocating control, while their propaganda try in vain to persuade us that social insecurity is due to revolutionary violence and not due to the violence, the blackmails and the destruction caused by the state and the capital.

If they were troubled enough by the presence of 2500 demonstrators and especially by the one of anarchists who were not scared by state terrorism to take to the streets of Athens, causing the furor of the bosses with their "sacrilegious" slogans, this is only because these demonstrators don't represent anything but the "peak of the iceberg". The first drops of a storm coming…

We should not forget that all this show-off of the regime's force and strength, the aggressiveness and zero tolerance of the state towards its existent and potential opponents, are not signs of a well-grounded confidence or of a stable mightiness. On the contrary.

Totalitarianism and war, in the global level and in the level of local societies, become continuously the main and necessary choices of a completely corrupt and inexpedient system, that is threatened by explosions and suffers under the burden of the constant accumulation of its dead-ends and contradictions.

In any case, despite the dark times, the repressive projects and the media misinformation, the, multiform by nature, anarchist /antiauthoritarian movement, with its dynamic and self-disciplined demonstration on Oct.1st, proved that it is more living than ever, and strengthened by the militant spirit of hundreds of comrades. And of course this spirit is not exhausted in one day, nor in the issue of state terrorism or the methodology of that specific demonstration. What is important for that dynamic expressed in the demonstration is to find its succession and not end up being destroyed by worthless friction, based on disorientating, flattening dilemmas "either to identify with or denounce N17".

Some comrades from Anarchists in Solidarity collective