In the last issue of Anarchist Bulletin (March '02, no 14), in the article for the 18 months of Intifada, before the israeli attack of May 29, we wrote: "After the latest palestinian attacks, Israel's minister of internal affairs Eli Yisai has stated: "We must continue blockading their villages and their cities, we must continue the siege". But it was obvious that the situation was already out of control, as Sharon's strategy for the violent submission of palestinians, not only did it not have the expected results, but it brought exactly the opposite... While Arafat's strategy towards capitulation fell into absolute disrepute.

For that reason, and in order to put under control that explosive situation which presages only the worst, from the beginning of March the US hastened to intervene. On the one hand with diplomatic missions and admonitions to Israel, on the other hand by promoting the UN Security Council resolution that poses the "vision" of an independent palestinian state. What is evident is the US hurry to close or at least "freeze" the palestinian front, in order to re-open the front of Iraq..."

After the failure of the north-american attempt to extract peacefully a voluntarily subjection of the revolted palistinians, Israel took another extension of time for its effort to militarily subjugate Intifada. Since May 29, with the US support and the toleration of the european pole of domination-EU-, Israel proceeded to the "final solution", total war... About 30.000 israeli soldiers, supported by hundreds of armored units, military air force and helicopters, invaded Ramallah, Tulkarem, Kalkiya, Jenin, Nablus, Bethlehem, Hebron, villages and refugee camps in West Bank.

What followed is a series of horrible incidents of bombardment and massacres of hundreds of militants and noncombatant palestinians, while 4.500 were captured and many of them taken to the concentration camp of Negev desert, the israeli "Guadanamo"... There was a series of martyr incidents of stout, even desperate, resistance by men, women and children (such as in Jenin refugee camp and in the old city of Nablus), where people with light armament or with no weapons at all, without food, water and medicines, remained unconcquered under the tanks' tracks.

Almost the entire W. Bank consists a field of "disproportionate war", occupation and national cleansing, but the spirit of Intifada is always alive among the palestinian proletarians, becoming a time-bomb for the extension of insurrectional incidents in the whole area, or at least where dynamic moves of solidarity from below are appearing.

Besides, Israel's total attack against the palestinians is part of the broader war campaign of the West in the Middle East, for the absolute control of the region. A long lasting campaign which was named after September 11 “war on terrorism”. And the next step is the attack to Iraq... And as ex prime minister of Israel, B. Netaniahu said “Israel is accused by the international community for doing exactly what the US have done in Afghanistan”...

From our side, we repeat that our revolutionary vision, with its values and principles, not only it does not push us to turn our eyes away from the blood-stained Intifada, but on the contrary, it makes us face it with straightness, with critic but above all with solidarity. Because, beyond the political or religious manipulation of the palestinian proletariat and the claims for “national restitution” either in the pockets of W.Bank and Gaza or in the entire area of Palestine, Intifada, above all, springs from the authentic demand of the oppressed people for life, freedom and dignity. For that reason it is contradicting the wider projects of global domination in the Middle East area...

One Free Palestine for all, in a Free World, without bosses, borders and states...

@. 15/4/02