From April 1988... to April 2001

13 years SQUAT
in Lelas Karayanni 37

... a breath of life and freedom, in a city so suffocating and polluted by the authority-frenzy of big and small bosses, by the anguished every-day survival and social cannibalism, by the merchandise and consuming intoxication, the media dictatorship and cops' terrorism, by zealous religious intolerance and cultural degradation.

... a gesture of refusal and contempt towards the arrogant consuls and proconsuls of state authority, towards the impudent gangs of their lackeys and praetorians, the flocks of subjugated and tame yesmen.

... a signal of comradeship and solidarity to all the damned, insubordinate and insurrected people all over the world.


And until next spring... no nostalgy for this old world, that long time now belongs to the past. No compromise with this unbearable present that promises only the worst. No hesitation and fear for the future that we want: social revolution, anarchy and communism.

Comrades from the occupied grounds of L.K. 37