Anarchist Bulletin Νο 22, April 2003
Anarchist Bulletin is published by Anarchists in Solidarity collective in 2.200 papers, in irregular times, it is distributed without a price and it can be found at demonstrations, festivals, self-managed spaces and in the streets * Economic Support for imprisoned social fighters:
MAYDAY 2003 ATHENS "RED ZONE" - April 16 EU SUMMIT CHRONICLE OF PERSECUTIONS, TERROR AND DEATH FOR IMMIGRANTS WITHOUT PAPERS BRING THE WAR HOME! HERACLIO-PATRAS-VOLOS-KAVALA-XANTHI-NAXOS against war and social peace About the black bloc and the clashes in the antiwar demo of March 21 NO TO THE WAR of the bosses AGAINST THE WAR OF GLOBAL DOMINATION, AGAINST THE STATE AND THE CAPITAL (communique by Anarchists Assembly-Athens against the EU ministers of war summit on March 15) NEW CIRCLE OF PERSECUTIONS FOR "TERRORISM" MARCH 16, MURDEROUS FASCIST ATTACK IN MILAN NEWS FROM THE ANARCHIST GROUP OF CYPRUS ABOUT THE ANARCHIST BLOCKADE AT SOUDA NAVAL BASE -CRETE- ON MARCH 15-16, AND THE CLASHES WITH THE POLICE AT THE GATE -"Expel" of a spanish military boat from Souda (March 18) WORKING "ACCIDENTS" - human sacrifices in the altar of the bosses' profits CAPITAL AND STATE MURDER! (Anarchists Assembly communique on recent working "accident" in Solinourgia facory in Korinthos, where 6 workers were killed) COUNTER-INFORMATION AND SOLIDARITY GATHERING OF ANARCHISTS in Korinthos 106 DEAD FROM THE DEATH-FAST IN TURKEY FROM THE PRESS...