(Anarchist Bulletin, no 5, February 2000 - A part from the brochure :
“Seattle, November 1999, BLACK BLOCK ATTACK”)
As it was shown during the NATO-american attack against Yugoslavia, after the recent historical period of the indisputable “national sovereignty” of the state within its consolidated “national space”, there is a new historical era dawning, the one of global domination in a universal world-space without inviolate national borders, in the name of “free trade”, of “human rights” etc. Where the “national states” of yesterday (and the possible metropolis-states of tomorrow) will find their place as interconnected and inter-depended formations with district sovereignty by the local elites, incorporated in a global system of unified and totalitarian domination.
In any case though, and against the Unique Thought of globalization through domination, we view -as we have pointed out in our meetings during the imperialistic attack in the Balkans- that globalization, by the meaning of a world which should contain infinite worlds, concerns, beyond everything, the revolutionary vision of a humanity that is one and inseparable in a world that is one and inseparable.
And this globalization is a case directly linked with the daily struggles of the people in revolt, who, in every place on earth, attempt to re-appropriate and expropriate the time and space of life, which is being splintered, alienated and smashed by the Power, Property and Economy...
Consequently, the matter is weather globalization will come from above, vertically, authoritative and hierarchically, through the imposition of the imperialistic (imperial) domination exercised by hyper-national and multionational political-military and economic structures (G7, NATO, NAFTA, E.U., IMF, the World Bank, WTO etc.) or will it emerge horizontally, from below, through the antagonistic and subversive movements that burst out with universal and panhuman catchwords exactly against the globalization of domination.
And from this point of view we think that Seattle must be seen. Beyond the any delays and anachronisms that may still exist among the people in resistance, whatever best happened in Seattle doesn’t have to do with a rear-guard battle, conducted against the capitalistic domination by nostalgists of national sovereignty in contrast with the rising imperial one; on the contrary, it has to do with the modern, contemporary war that is carried on between the political-economic forces which promote globalization as we know it today (from above) and the social forces that promote globaliazation -even elementary- like we really want it (from below).
The proof is that meetings of struggle like the one in Seattle, or like in Amsterdam and London in the past and tomorrow in many cities of the world, are realized more and more by social forces of various national and nationality origin, in the name of a world from everyone and for everyone... A new informal International, without any hierarchical structures nor recognized leaders, but with initiatives from below and an effective horizontal communication mainly through the Internet (a practice that has started from the insurrected indians from the mountains of the mexican south!)
And this globalization of resistance is another important message of Seattle, next to the one of the insurrectional and in various ways violent methodology that more and more clearly is emerging against pacifism and passivity.
So, against the Unique Thought about the “historical need” of political, economic and cultural globalization, the opponents of the New Order are not limited of course in the well-known nationalistic, syndicalistic and stalinist mishmash that acts as the rear-guard of the past century. Through the scratch crowd of the thousands of people resisting in Seattle, just as in other places, there is more and more obviously emerging the possibility of a universal resistance against the prescribed “historic determinisms” of domination; a resistance with indisputable social dynamics, which, in its most authentic form and in spite of the manipulators and slanderers, is expressed by the increasingly attacking moods and revolts of the excluded proletarians.
“A dreadful global revolution is in full progress... and its consequences will not have any historical precedent” wrote in the days of Seattle T.Gitlin (a professor from the university of New York), implying exactly that Seattle does not signal a rattle of the past but a thrill of the future.
In any case, the fact is that these massive and aggressive expressions of resistance above the borders and against the specific planning of global domination, include a potential and a challenge for those resisting in all over the world and it is up to their will and their criticism ability to extract fertile and extensive conclusions from Seattle, the new Chicago in the end of the 20th century.
We, that any corner of earth is our country |